Get in Touch: Stony Brook Hospital Phone Number

Stony Brook Hospital is a renowned medical center located on Long Island, New York. The hospital has been serving the community for over 40 years and has established itself as a leading academic medical center that provides quality healthcare to its patients. The hospital is known for its commitment to excellence and innovation, and has been recognized by several national and international organizations for its contributions to the medical field.

So, what is the official phone number for Stony Brook Hospital?

The phone number for Stony Brook Hospital is (631) 444-2222. This number is available 24/7 and can be used for making appointments, general inquiries, and emergencies. It is always recommended to call this number for any medical-related queries or concerns. The hospital has a team of dedicated professionals who are always ready to assist and provide the best possible care to its patients.

The History of Stony Brook Hospital Phone Number

Stony Brook Hospital was established in 1980 as the academic medical center for Stony Brook University, and the phone number has remained the same since then. Over the years, the hospital has expanded its facilities and services and has become a premier healthcare institution on Long Island. The official phone number has served as a vital means of communication between the hospital and its patients, ensuring prompt and efficient care whenever required.

Importance of Stony Brook Hospital Phone Number

The official phone number for Stony Brook Hospital plays a crucial role in the hospital’s operations. It serves as the first point of contact for patients seeking medical help, making appointments, or inquiring about services offered by the hospital. It also acts as a direct line for emergencies, allowing patients to receive timely medical attention and care. The dedicated professionals at Stony Brook Hospital make sure that all calls are handled with utmost care and sensitivity, providing reassurance and support to patients and their families during difficult times.

Celebration of Stony Brook Hospital Phone Number

On January 15th, Stony Brook Hospital celebrates its anniversary. This date marks the day the hospital first opened its doors to the community, and it is celebrated every year with great enthusiasm. The official phone number has been an essential element in the hospital’s journey, connecting patients with the medical care they need. On this day, the hospital also recognizes and appreciates its team of professionals for their hard work and dedication in providing compassionate care to patients.

Facts about Stony Brook Hospital Phone Number

Here are some interesting facts about the official phone number for Stony Brook Hospital:

  1. The phone number has remained the same since the hospital’s inception in 1980.
  2. The number is available 24/7 and is always answered by a live person, not an automated system.
  3. The Stony Brook Hospital phone number receives an average of 400 calls per day.
  4. The phone number is used not just by patients, but also by referring physicians, insurance companies, and other healthcare professionals.
  5. The hospital has a dedicated team specifically trained to handle calls related to mental health emergencies.

In conclusion, the official phone number for Stony Brook Hospital is a crucial aspect of the hospital’s operations, providing a means of communication for patients and ensuring timely and efficient care. Despite advances in technology, the hospital continues to rely on this traditional form of communication, emphasizing the importance of personal connection in the medical field.

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